
Evening with Dr Peter Jenkins

In our most recent “An Evening With” session, FAABI welcomed Dr Peter Jenkins to speak about his recent research. Dr Peter Jenkins is a Neurologist who currently works at St Mary’s Hospital within Imperial Healthcare Trust. Dr Jenkins and his team are running a trial to see if they can improve cognitive problems following a traumatic brain injury with the medication Methylphenidate, more commonly referred to as Ritalin. Following a brief overview of this study, Dr Jenkins welcomed many questions from the audience and answered them the best he could. There was a sense that this was very helpful to the many people who attended.

Recent research studies that Dr Jenkins has been a part of include:

  • Improve memory and concentration after brain injury
  • Brain stimulation through electrical stimulation
  • Imaging study’s i.e MRI scanning of brain to view changes that occur

Following Dr Jenkin’s talk, Shoaeb introduced a series of sessions which are specifically designed for family members, friends and carers of those with an acquired brain injury.

These will be based on four areas:

  • Living with someone with an ABI
  • Identity
  • Emotional Lability
  • Memory

To find out more about the series of sessions for family members, friends and carers of those with an acquired brain injury, please email

To find out more about Dr Peter Jenkins and his research study’s please visit