What is a Conversation Class?
Think of it as a social meeting where you come together to discuss a topic in the hopes of meeting someone new, learning something different or sharing something that you are passionate about. Previously the groups have come together to discuss films… art… music… dreams…
What Are The Benefits?
Often those who have had a brain injury might have issues surrounding their speech and speaking can become something they would like to avoid. In addition some ABI survivors have changes in their social relationships and often would like to expand their circle of friends*. Having an informal conversation with others they have something in common with can not only help with confidence surrounding speech, but allow them to meet new people*.
When and Where?
We are pleased to announce that Conversation Classes are back! They are on Tuesdays at 18:00 at our Head Offices.
Next Session:
To be confirmed – if you would like to suggest a topic to discuss for the conversation class, please send us an email.
If you would like to register your place send us an email or call our office (0207 307 2570).
What Have Former Participants Said?
‘As a result of my acquired brain injury, I have aphasia, which makes it sometimes difficult to speak. In order to improve my communications skills, I was advised to speak slower and with patience, which has helped me. So, I created the conversation class in order to help others improve their communication skills after surviving an acquired brain injury or a stroke.’
— FAABI Trustee and Conversation Class Facilitator
‘I found it quite stimulating to listen to other people’s views on the different topics that we discussed each week. It really helped me with my speech, because I was able to open up since I felt safe around the people in the group.’
— FAABI member
*Those who do not have an ABI are also encouraged to join us as it helps to raise awareness. Meeting ABI survivors can be an inspiring and unique experience and often means that you make a small difference to the life of someone.